ASTI gain for SEN job-share teachers


Monday 29 July 2019

News type

ASTI news

Job-share teachers who previously received the Special Education Needs allowance (prior to being appointed as job-share teachers) may be entitled to the allowance and to back pay for the school years 2017/18 and 2018/19, following a claim lodged by the ASTI at the Teachers’ Conciliation Council.

It has now been agreed that the allowance will continue to be paid to job sharers who currently hold/ previously received the allowance, so long as they spend at least six hours per week working with students with special education needs. Eligible job-share teachers will receive the allowance on a pro-rata basis – i.e. half of the allowance.

The details are set out in Circular 0037/2019. Click here to read.

The allowance was abolished for new beneficiaries in 2012 and is currently only payable to those who held it prior to February 1, 2012 and who meet the criteria for the allowance. The ASTI continues to seek the restoration of the allowance for those appointed to positions after February 1, 2012 and who otherwise meet the allowance criteria.

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