Convention 2018: Urgent motion on pay inequality


Tuesday 3 April 2018

News type

ASTI news

ASTI Annual Convention will debate an urgent motion from Standing Committee this afternoon.

Convention notes the report presented to the Oireachtas on 16th March, in accordance with Section 11 of the Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017.

Convention further notes that the Report

  • restates the terms of the PSSA
  • contains a global costing for the movement of all newer entrants two points further up the pay scale
  • shows that this costing amounts to less than 2% of the public service pay bill for 2018
  • neither constitutes a commitment by government to pay equality nor addresses the additional, disproportionate layers of pay cuts that were applied to new entrant teachers
  • provides no guidance towards a fair and sustainable resolution of the injustice of pay inequality
  • anticipates “further engagement over the coming months
  • Accordingly, Convention demands that the proposed engagement must

  • commence in April 2018 and conclude by early May 2018 and
  • have the capacity to achieve a resolution of all aspects of pay inequality
  • Convention agrees that any proposals that may emerge in respect of a resolution of the issues relating to pay inequality will be brought back to ASTI Central Executive Council for decision, with a recommendation to put them to members in a ballot at the earliest practicable time.

    Convention requires that, in the event of continuing failure by government fully to engage to resolve the issues or in the event of failure to resolve the issues in the engagement, a campaign of industrial action, up to and including strike action, as mandated by members will be pursued, where possible in conjunction with the other teacher unions.

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