The pilot voluntary redeployment scheme established in 2013 is to continue in 2025. The pilot voluntary redeployment scheme 2025 is confined to teachers in Kerry, Limerick, and Tipperary who wish to be redeployed in September 2025. The scheme allows Permanent/CID teachers who are employed in schools in these counties to express an interest in being redeployed to another post-primary school. In addition, any teacher outside of Dublin who wishes to be redeployed to Dublin can apply.
If you apply for voluntary redeployment and a vacancy exists, you may be offered a redeployment to that vacancy. However, you will only be redeployed if a suitable teacher can be redeployed to your school to replace you.
Your school must indicate its willingness to release you and to accept a replacement teacher on redeployment. Principals should declare on the form the preferred subject options that the school requires as a replacement for you, if you are redeployed. These subjects do not have to be your subjects; this gives the school an opportunity to address a curriculum mismatch within the school.