Voluntary Redeployment Scheme announced


Thursday 11 January 2018

News type

ASTI news

The pilot voluntary redeployment scheme will operate in counties Galway, Roscommon, Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Meath for redeployments from September 2018.

The scheme allows permanent/CID teachers who are employed in schools in counties Galway, Roscommon, Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Meath to express an interest in being redeployed to another post primary school anywhere in the country.

If you apply for voluntary redeployment and a suitable vacancy exists in a school in your preferred area, you may be offered a redeployment to that vacancy. However, you will only be redeployed if a suitable teacher can be redeployed to your school to replace you.

Your school must indicate its willingness to release you and to accept a replacement teacher on redeployment. Principals should declare on the form the preferred subject options that the school requires as a replacement for you, if you are redeployed. These subjects do not have to be your subjects; this gives the school an opportunity to address a curriculum mismatch within the school.

Click here for Department Circular and application forms for 18/19 school year. Completed forms should be returned to Post Primary Allocations Section, Department of Education and Skills, Athlone, Co Westmeath, N37 X659 by Friday 9th March.

For more information on Voluntary Redeployment, click here.

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