Approach to Consultation and Review of School Management and Leadership Needs: ASTI Procedures
1. Internal ASTI Procedures
1.1 ASTI Meeting: The School Steward should convene a meeting of ASTI members to discuss the issues in relation to the Consultation and Review of school management and leadership needs prior to the consultative process commencing.
1.2 ASTI Policy: The School Steward should ensure that ASTI members are aware of ASTI policy regarding workload etc. and should remind members of the need to accommodate the skills and aptitudes of those already in posts.
1.3 Status of Post: The School Steward should also remind members of the need to ensure that the level of responsibility and volume of work attached to posts should be manageable and commensurate with the category of the post.
2. Definition of Duties to be Attached to Posts
2.1 Existing Skills: School stewards should point out to members that the post duties must take account of the existing skills and aptitudes of the existing post-holders.
2.2 Inclusive Duties: Members should be reminded that duties should be inclusive so as to be open to applications from all eligible members of the teaching staff.
3. Appointment and Selection of Teachers for New Posts
3.1 Interviews: School Stewards should note that all eligible applicants for a post must be interviewed.
3.2 Appeals: School Stewards should draw members’ attention to the provisions of the appeals procedure in Circular 0003/2018 and to the ASTI Guidelines for the Submission of Appeals.
3.3 Grounds for Appeal: School Stewards should draw members’ attention to the grounds on which an appeal may be submitted as set out in Circular 0003/2018.
Note: If there are any efforts made to obstruct union meetings or to prevent union representatives undertaking union business in schools, they should be reported immediately to ASTI head office.