ASTI support for non-permanent teachers

Find out about the support ASTI can offer you and how you can get involved to achieve for non-permanent teachers.

We campaign on your behalf

ASTI campaigns reflect your best interests. We have a powerful voice to use on behalf of non-permanent teachers.

The ASTI is working to:

  • improve your job prospects
  • protect your pension
  • assert the rights of non-permanent teachers

The ASTI Non Permanent Teachers Advisory Committee discusses issues of concern to part-time and temporary teachers and advises Standing Committee accordingly.


We're here to answer your queries

Got a question about your contract or your job? The ASTI will talk you through all aspects of your rights and entitlements. If you have a question or concern at any time throughout the year, we’re here to help. Give us a call on 01 604 0160/1800 418 400 or email [email protected].


We offer representation and protection

The ASTI has a proven track record in successfully supporting non-permanent members and ensuring that their rights are upheld.

ASTI staff can give you professional industrial relations support and advice, and legal representation, if necessary. We will represent you in meetings with school management and the Department of Education, where most issues can be easily and quickly resolved. Where necessary, however, we will represent and support you in cases taken to the Rights Commissioner, equality tribunals, or the Labour Court.

The ASTI works to protect and improve part-time and non-permanent teachers’ working conditions and to promote job security. The ASTI represents its members at national, regional, and school levels. We negotiate with the Department of Education, managerial bodies, boards of management and ETBs on an ongoing basis to achieve the best conditions for our members.


You can avail of training and professional development

We also offer trade union training, including courses for school stewards and board of management representatives; health and safety training; and a variety of other professional development courses, according to demand.


We’ll keep you informed

The ASTI website is updated daily with news and information for teachers. Members receive copies of ASTIR magazine, and Nuacht, providing regular updates on issues relating to your job, working conditions, and industrial relations developments. You can also keep up to date by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.

As an ASTI member, you can access information leaflets covering all aspects of your job, rights and entitlements. Browse these comprehensive leaflets on the website and request copies from ASTI Head Office.


Get involved in your union

A union works together to achieve common goals. Get involved with the ASTI to have your say about what those goals are and to help achieve them.

Attend branch meetings
Make the voice of the non-permanent teacher heard at your branch meetings. Share your experiences, express your concerns, get support from your colleagues, and put forward your ideas.

Log in to MyUnion find out about your local representatives and branch meetings.

Attend Convention
Annual Convention is where ASTI policy is set and its priorities for the coming year established. Make sure your branch delegates know and represent your views at this important event. Consider putting yourself forward as a delegate to contribute to and shape debate. Find out more.

Engage with Committees
Get involved with the ASTI Non-Permanent Teachers Advisory Committee. This committee discusses issues of concern to part-time and temporary teachers and advises Standing Committee accordingly. Other committees deal with issues such as education, equal opportunities, the Teaching Council, etc. 

Get involved in ASTI campaigns
To be as strong as possible, the ASTI needs as much member involvement as possible. Our campaigns are aimed at improving job prospects, pay and conditions for non-permanent teachers. You can help our campaigns by:

  • keeping yourself, your colleagues and your friends informed
  • informing us about issues important to you and your school
  • lobbying your TDs and senators
  • engaging with media debate through texts, emails, polls, etc.
  • joining in at ASTI protests and regional meetings
  • joining the ASTI community online on Facebook and Twitter
  • letting us know your ideas