Incremental Credit

Incremental credit for previous service

Teachers who are paid incremental salary by the Department of Education and Skills may apply for incremental salary credit for previous service. 

Arrangements for such credit are set out in Department of Education and Skills circular 0029/2007 and circular 0029/2010 teachers are advised to read this circular for full information. 

There is a transferability of incremental credit between the primary, secondary and vocational sectors and within the secondary sector as a whole (i.e. between community and comprehensive, secondary and vocational schools).

There is no limit to the amount of credit a teacher may claim for previous service as a qualified primary teacher, or as a permanent wholetime teacher in a community, a comprehensive a voluntary secondary or a vocational school.

Applicants for credit for vocational service should provide a full statement of service from the relevant ETB.

Credit is calculated as the difference in years and days between the applicant’s start date and the last date of previous service.

The awarding of incremental credit may result in the teacher’s incremental date being changed.  For most teachers the incremental date is 1st August.  For recently appointed teachers the incremental date is 1st September.

Application Procedure

Application forms for Incremental Credit are available from the Department of Education and Skills.

Supporting Department Circulars