
Guide to State Examinations and Accredited Grades 2021

25 February 2021

External Documents - 788kb PDF

Guide to State Examinations and Accredited Grades 2021

Appendix 1 Framework Plan for phased return of post-primary school education

24 February 2021

External Documents - 578kb PDF

Framework Plan for phased return of post-primary school education

Appendix 2 Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) guidance on the re-opening of schools

24 February 2021

External Documents - 703kb PDF

Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) guidance on the re-opening of schools

Appendix 3 Summary of additions to COVID-19 Response Plans required by ‘Work Safely Protocol’

24 February 2021

External Documents - 573kb PDF

Summary of additions to COVID-19 Response Plans required by ‘Work Safely Protocol’

Information Note TC 0007/2021

24 February 2021

Department Circulars - 862kb PDF

Temporary Changes to the Parental Leave Scheme and Unpaid Leave Scheme and other
temporary arrangements for Registered Teachers employed in recognised Post Primary Schools

Letter to Principals Post Primary to inform of the necessary arrangements to facilitate reopening of schools

24 February 2021

External Documents - 269kb PDF

Letter to Principals Post Primary

School Principals Survey

21 February 2021

ASTI Research & Surveys - 402kb PDF

School Principals Survey - reopening of schools

Framework Plan for phased return of post-primary education

12 February 2021

External Documents - 321kb PDF

Framework Plan for phased return of post-primary education

