Department Circulars

0034-2017 Policy on Gaeltacht Education 2017-2022 - Implementation Phase Apr 2017 to Jun 2018

28 April 2017

Department Circulars - 848kb PDF

0034-2017 Policy on Gaeltacht Education 2017-2022 - Implementation Phase Apr 2017 to Jun 2018

Assault Leave Circular 0061/2017

23 April 2017

Department Circulars - 535kb PDF

Circular 0061/2017 Assault Leave Scheme for Teachers in Ireland

0018-2017 Prescribed Material for the Junior Cert/Junior Cycle Exam in 2019 and Leaving Cert in 2019

13 March 2017

Department Circulars - 567kb PDF

0018-2017 Prescribed Material for the Junior Cert/Junior Cycle Exam in 2019 and Leaving Cert in 2019

0014-2017 Special Education Teaching Allocation

9 March 2017

Department Circulars - 515kb PDF

0014-2017 Special Education Teaching Allocation

0016-2017 Statutory Requirements for the Retrospective Vetting of Teaching Staff

28 February 2017

Department Circulars - 584kb PDF

0016-2017 Statutory Requirements for the Retrospective Vetting of Teaching Staff

0016-2017 Statutory Requirements for the Retrospective Vetting of Teaching Staff FAQ's

28 February 2017

Department Circulars - 794kb PDF

0016-2017 Statutory Requirements for the Retrospective Vetting of Teaching Staff FAQ's

0009-2017 Standardisation of the School year for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20

16 February 2017

Department Circulars - 500kb PDF

0009-2017 Standardisation of the School year for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20

0006-2017 Prescribed Material for the Leaving Cert English Exam 2019

6 February 2017

Department Circulars - 107kb PDF

0006-2017 Prescribed Material for the Leaving Cert English Exam 2019

0072-2016 Minor Adjustment to Leaving Certificate Chemistry Syllabus

1 November 2016

Department Circulars - 239kb PDF

0072-2016 Minor Adjustment to Leaving Certificate Chemistry Syllabus

0059/2016 - Revised Procedure and Sequence for filling available Teacher posts/Hours (Revision to c/l 34/2009)

31 August 2016

Department Circulars - 406kb PDF

0059/2016 - Revised Procedure and Sequence for filling available Teacher posts/Hours (Revision to c/l 34/2009)