Department Circulars

Information Note 0010/2023

21 November 2023

Department Circulars - 299kb PDF

Amendment to the Parental Leave Scheme for Registered Teachers employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Circular 0052/2023 Breastfeeding Breaks for Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

11 October 2023

Department Circulars - 704kb PDF

This Circular outlines the statutory entitlement for the provision of breastfeeding breaks ‘within the104-week period’ after the birth of the child and includes the procedures that must be followed.

Circular 0054/2023 Curriculum and assessment related developments at Senior Cycle with particular reference to school years 2023/24 and onwards

11 October 2023

Department Circulars - 303kb PDF

The purpose of this circular is to inform post primary schools of curriculum and assessment related developments at Senior Cycle, with particular reference to the school years 2023/24 and onwards.

Circular 0050/2023 Unpaid Leave for Medical Care Purposes for Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

27 September 2023

Department Circulars - 660kb PDF

Unpaid Leave for Medical Care Purposes may be granted by the employer to a teacher or SNA to provide personal care or support to an eligible person for a serious medical reason

Circular 0041/2023 Revision of Teacher Salaries under the Building Momentum Pay Agreement with effect from 1 October 2023

19 September 2023

Department Circulars - 767kb PDF

Application of pay adjustments due on 1 October 2023

Circular 0047/2023 Adoptive Leave Scheme for Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

19 September 2023

Department Circulars - 1220kb PDF

Adoptive Leave Scheme for Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Circular 0032/2023 Supervision and Substitution Scheme – Opt-in for Principals and Deputy Principals with effect from 1 September 2022

28 August 2023

Department Circulars - 441kb PDF

This Circular sets out certain amendments to the Supervision and Substitution Scheme (S&S) to take effect from 1 September 2022 (or date of appointment, if later).

Circular 0037/2023 Partial Absences for Medical-Related Service Appointments for Post Primary Teachers

28 August 2023

Department Circulars - 343kb PDF

Sector: Post Primary

Circular 0038/2023 Building Momentum - A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022 Implementation of Sectoral Bargaining with effect from 1 February 2022

28 August 2023

Department Circulars - 470kb PDF

A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022 Implementation of Sectoral Bargaining with effect from 1 February 2022 – Payment of PME/HDip Allowance to post primary teachers on the pre-2011 teacher pay scale

This circular sets out the agreed outcome in relation to the payment of the Professional Master of Education (PME)/Higher Diploma in Education Allowance (H.Dip in Ed) or an accepted equivalent qualification for teachers whose date of first qualified teaching service is between 5th December 2011 and 28th April 2013 and who were appointed to the existing pre-2011 pay scale.