
Circular 0056/2022 School Self-evaluation: Next Steps September 2022 – June 2026

1 September 2022

Department Circulars - 666kb PDF

This Circular sets out the requirements in respect of the next cycle of SSE which begins in September 2022. It follows on from, and supersedes Primary Circulars 0039/2016, 0016/2018, 0040/2020, 0032/2021 and 0029/2022 and Post-primary Circulars 0040/2016, 0041/2020, 0033/2021 and 0030/2022.

Circular 0058/2022 Arrangements for Inspectorate engagement with post-primary schools: September to December 2022

1 September 2022

Department Circulars - 723kb PDF

This circular: Provides information about the Inspectorate’s planned advisory, evaluation and research work in post-primary schools from September to December 2022; provides information on the Inspectorate’s work on supporting and monitoring the implementation of anti-bullying procedures in schools; clarifies the arrangements for school self-evaluation (SSE) for the 2022/23 school year; supersedes Circular 0030/2022.

WRC - Review of Building Momentum Proposal

30 August 2022

External Documents - 154kb PDF

WRC document - Review of Building Momentum Proposal - 30 August 2022

NUACHT Issue No. 2 – August 2022 BALLOT SPECIAL

22 August 2022

Nuacht - 201kb PDF

Review of Pay Terms Ballot
Standing Committee recently decided to conduct a ballot of members in
September, for potential industrial action by members, unless the Government
makes a substantial and credible pay offer in talks with the ICTU Public Services

ASTI Budget 2023 Priorities

17 August 2022

ASTI Submissions - 1045kb PDF

Letter to Minister for Finance

Circular 0050/2022 Parents Leave Scheme for registered teachers employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools.

17 August 2022

Department Circulars - 1000kb PDF

This circular succeeds 0030/2021

Parent’s Leave is a period of statutory unpaid leave available to the relevant parent to enable them to provide, or assist in the provision of, care to the child.

ASTI submission to Special Oireachtas Committee on Autism

6 July 2022

ASTI Submissions - 461kb PDF

ASTI submission to Special Oireachtas Committee on Autism

0041/2014 Job sharing scheme for special needs assistants in recognised primary and post-primary schools

8 June 2022

Department Circulars - 225kb PDF

The Minister for Education and Skills directs you to implement the regulations and
procedures regarding job-sharing arrangements for special needs assistants whose posts
are funded by monies provided by the Oireachtas.

Circular Letter 0038/2022 - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Updated Working Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools

8 June 2022

Department Circulars - 124kb DOCX

Further to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform’s, direction for public sector employees, the Minister for Education directs employers to implement the terms in this Circular for teachers and special needs assistants (employees) who are employed in approved posts funded by monies provided by the Oireachtas.

Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers

1 June 2022

External Documents - 2304kb PDF

Updated 2nd Edition 2016

