
ASTI Submission on Leaving Certificate Reform - Opening Statement

5 October 2021

ASTI Submissions - 415kb PDF

ASTI Opening Statement - 5th October 2021

Department of Education and Skills Policy on Gaeltacht Education 2017-2022

4 October 2021

External Documents - 316kb PDF

Department of Education and Skills
Policy on Gaeltacht Education

Circular 0056/2021 Revision of Teacher Salaries with effect from 1 October 2021

1 October 2021

Department Circulars - 735kb PDF

Circular 0056/2021

Conduct of Regional Elections to Standing Committee (by-election Region 12 Aug 2021)

28 September 2021

Branch Circulars - 309kb PDF

Conduct of Regional Elections to Standing Committee (by-election Region 12 Aug 2021)

Letter to Branch Secretaries in Region 12 re Standing Committee Vacancy - 23rd August 2021

28 September 2021

Branch Circulars - 19kb DOCX

Letter to Branch Secretaries in Region 12 re Standing Committee Vacancy - 23rd August 2021

Letter to Branch Secretaries re Ballot - 11th January 2021

28 September 2021

Branch Circulars - 67kb DOCX

Letter to Branch Secretaries re Ballot - 11th January 2021

Letter to Branch Secretaries re Elections - 8th January 2021

28 September 2021

Branch Circulars - 23kb DOCX

Letter to Branch Secretaries re Elections - 8th January 2021

Nomination Form - Standing Committee Regional Elections - Region 12

28 September 2021

Branch Circulars - 207kb PDF

Nomination Form - Standing Committee Regional Elections - Region 12

0048/2021 Home Tuition Grant Scheme for children without a school place

17 September 2021

Department Circulars - 533kb PDF

Home Tuition Grant Scheme for children without a school place

Circular 0049/2021 Home Tuition Grant Scheme in respect of Maternity Related Absences

17 September 2021

Department Circulars - 488kb PDF

Home Tuition Grant Scheme in respect of Maternity Related Absences

