Latest News

Latest news

ASTI expresses disappointment over history recommendation

The ASTI says it is disappointed with the recommendation contained in a report by the NCCA to the Minister for Education and Skills not to include history as a core subject at Junior Cycle.

  • 25 September 2019
  • Press releases

Inaugural Workers’ Forum: West Dublin

Dublin Council of Trade Unions has issued an invitation to ASTI members to attend their inaugural Workers’ Forum

  • 23 September 2019
  • ASTI news

Nominations being sought for ICTU Committees

The Irish Congress of trade Unions have invited ASTI to nominate members for several committees

  • 23 September 2019
  • ASTI news

Nominations being sought for ICTU Health and Safety Committee

Applications are being sought from ASTI members interested in serving on behalf of ASTI on the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Health and Safety Committee for the period 2019 – 2021.

  • 23 September 2019
  • ASTI news

ASTI supports school secretaries’ industrial action

The ASTI is supporting Fórsa’s industrial action in pursuit of improved pay and conditions for school secretaries funded through the Ancillary Services Grant system.

  • 19 September 2019
  • ASTI news

Ireland bottom of global ranking for investment in education

The OECD report Education at a Glance 2019, published today, ranks Ireland in last place out of 35 countries for investment in second-level education as a percentage of GDP.

  • 10 September 2019
  • Press releases

ASTI urges support for global climate protests

The ASTI is urging its members to support the global climate strikes spearheaded by students on Friday, September 20th.

  • 9 September 2019
  • ASTI news

Change to method of claiming illness benefit

The method by which teachers are required to claim illness benefit has changed with effect from the 1st September 2019.

  • 4 September 2019
  • ASTI news

Leave Schemes for Registered Teachers Employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Leave Schemes for registered teachers

  • 2 September 2019
  • ASTI news

September ASTIR

September ASTIR is now online. Printed copies of ASTIR will be arriving in schools shortly

  • 29 August 2019
  • ASTI news

