Department Circulars

Staffing arrangements in Community and Comprehensive Schools for the 2021/22 school year

24 March 2021

Department Circulars - 427kb PDF

Community and Comprehensive Schools

Staffing arrangements in Education and Training Boards for the 2021/22 school year

24 March 2021

Department Circulars - 291kb PDF

Education and Training Boards

Staffing Arrangements in Voluntary Secondary Schools for the 2021/22 school year

24 March 2021

Department Circulars - 427kb PDF

Voluntary Secondary Schools

S13/21 State Examinations Commission Leaving Certificate Oral Language Examinations 2021 Guidance to School Management

19 March 2021

Department Circulars - 541kb PDF

State Examinations Commission Leaving Certificate Oral Language Examinations 2021 Guidance to School Management

Circular 0015/2021 Update to the Teacher Fee Refund Scheme – Prioritisation of Funding

9 March 2021

Department Circulars - 355kb PDF

To the Principals and Boards of Management of Second-Level Schools and Special Schools, and to the CEs of Education and Training Boards.

Circular Letter: 0016/2021 Prescribed Material for the Junior Cycle Examination in 2023 and Leaving Certificate Examination in 2023

9 March 2021

Department Circulars - 779kb PDF

To the Principals and Boards of Management of Second-Level Schools and Special Schools, and to the CEs of Education and Training Boards.

Information Note TC 0009/2021 - Extension of COVID-19 Diagnosis Special Leave with Pay

26 February 2021

Department Circulars - 427kb PDF

Extension of COVID-19 Diagnosis Special Leave with Pay for Registered Teachers and Special Needs Assistants diagnosed with COVID-19 who are employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Information Note TC 0007/2021

24 February 2021

Department Circulars - 862kb PDF

Temporary Changes to the Parental Leave Scheme and Unpaid Leave Scheme and other
temporary arrangements for Registered Teachers employed in recognised Post Primary Schools