Department Circulars

0048/2021 Home Tuition Grant Scheme for children without a school place

17 September 2021

Department Circulars - 533kb PDF

Home Tuition Grant Scheme for children without a school place

Circular 0049/2021 Home Tuition Grant Scheme in respect of Maternity Related Absences

17 September 2021

Department Circulars - 488kb PDF

Home Tuition Grant Scheme in respect of Maternity Related Absences

Circular 0047/2021 Guidelines for the use of Reduced School Days in Schools

16 September 2021

Department Circulars - 309kb PDF

The purpose of this circular is to inform school management authorities that Guidelines on the use of Reduced School Days have been developed to provide clarity to school authorities and parents/guardians around the use of reduced school days in schools. This is to ensure that Reduced School Days are only used in a manner that is limited, appropriate and absolutely necessary, in line with the Department of Education’s guidelines.

Transition Year 2021/2022 - Summary Note August 2021

27 August 2021

Department Circulars - 194kb PDF

This summary advice note (August 2021) sets out practical advice for school leaders and teachers of TY 2021/22.

Leaving Certificate Applied 2021-22 Summary Advice Note

19 August 2021

Department Circulars - 90kb PDF

Leaving Certificate Applied 2021-22 Summary Advice Note

Circular Letter 0042/2021 - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools

11 August 2021

Department Circulars - 1374kb PDF

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools

TC 0022/2021 - Information Note on Leadership and Management Positions in Recognised Post Primary Schools during the school year 2021/2022

8 July 2021

Department Circulars - 554kb PDF

This Information Note will replace Information Note TTC 0001/2020