Department Circulars

0014-2020 Staffing Arrangements in C&C schools for 2020-2021

25 February 2020

Department Circulars - 766kb PDF

0014-2020 Staffing Arrangements in C&C schools for 2020-2021

0015-2020 Staffing Arrangements in ETBs for 2020-2021

25 February 2020

Department Circulars - 758kb PDF

0015-2020 Staffing Arrangements in ETBs for 2020-2021

0011-2020 Policy on Gaeltacht Education 2017-2022

19 February 2020

Department Circulars - 402kb PDF

0011-2020 Policy on Gaeltacht Education 2017-2022

0016-2020 Framework for JC - History in Schools from Sep 2020 onwards

19 February 2020

Department Circulars - 724kb PDF

0016-2020 Framework for JC - History in Schools from Sep 2020 onwards

0008-2020 PGD Programme of CPD for SE teachers 2020-2021

10 February 2020

Department Circulars - 1415kb PDF

0008-2020 PGD Programme of CPD for SE teachers 2020-2021

0009-2020 GC in Education of Pupils on the AS in PP 2020-2021

10 February 2020

Department Circulars - 419kb PDF

0009-2020 GC in Education of Pupils on the AS in PP 2020-2021

0007-2020 Commencement of certain sections of the education (admission to schools) act 2018

7 February 2020

Department Circulars - 267kb PDF

0007-2020 Commencement of certain sections of the education (admission to schools) act 2018

0006-2020 Diversification of Foreign Languages Provision in the Curriculum

30 January 2020

Department Circulars - 931kb PDF

0006-2020 Diversification of Foreign Languages Provision in the Curriculum

0005-2020 Standardisation of school years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23

29 January 2020

Department Circulars - 351kb PDF

0005-2020 Standardisation of school years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23

0004-2020 Work Stoppage by TUI members 4 Feb 2020

28 January 2020

Department Circulars - 376kb PDF

0004-2020 Work Stoppage by TUI members 4 Feb 2020