Department Circulars

Circular 0054-2019 - Leave Schemes for Registered Teachers Employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

2 September 2019

Department Circulars - 1163kb PDF

Leave Schemes for Registered Teachers employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

0043-2019 - Home Tuition Grant Scheme 2019/2020 – Special Education Component

22 August 2019

Department Circulars - 525kb PDF

0043-2019 - Home Tuition Grant Scheme 2019/2020 – Special Education Component

0037-2019 Payment of Special Educational Needs Allowance to current holders who commence job sharing

29 July 2019

Department Circulars - 658kb PDF

0037-2019 Payment of Special Educational Needs Allowance to current holders who commence job sharing

0031-2019 Diversification of foreign languages provision in the Curriculum

27 May 2019

Department Circulars - 678kb PDF

0031-2019 Diversification of foreign languages provision in the Curriculum

Circular 0041/2019 Revision of Teacher Salaries with effect from 1st Sep 2019

6 May 2019

Department Circulars - 671kb PDF

Circular 0041/2019 Revision of Teacher Salaries with effect from 1st Sep 2019

Special Leave for teachers who are members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations - Circular 0001/2019

28 April 2019

Department Circulars - 575kb PDF

Special Leave for teachers who are members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations - Circular 0001/2019

0029-2019 Prescribed Material for the JC & LC Exam in 2021

4 April 2019

Department Circulars - 986kb PDF

0029-2019 Prescribed Material for the JC & LC Exam in 2021

0023-2019 Prescribed Material for the Leaving Certificate English Examination in 2021

15 March 2019

Department Circulars - 537kb PDF

0023-2019 Prescribed Material for the Leaving Certificate English Examination in 2021

0022-2019 Revision of 2011 Entrant Teacher Salaries with Effect from 1 March 2019

5 March 2019

Department Circulars - 350kb PDF

0022-2019 Revision of 2011 Entrant Teacher Salaries with Effect from 1 March 2019

0015-2019 Scheme to Share Teachers between Recognised PP Schools for 2019-2020 school year

26 February 2019

Department Circulars - 610kb PDF

0015-2019 Scheme to Share Teachers between Recognised PP Schools for 2019-2020 school year