Latest News

Latest news

Voluntary Redeployment 2019

The pilot voluntary redeployment scheme will operate in counties Galway, Roscommon, Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford and Waterford for redeployments from September 2019.

  • 29 January 2019
  • ASTI news

ASTI moves to ballot on industrial action over unequal pay

At its meeting in Dublin today, the ASTI Central Executive Council (CEC) considered the continuation of discriminatory pay arrangements for teachers who entered the profession since 2010.

  • 26 January 2019
  • Press releases

Substitute teachers and tax credits

Substitute teachers and teachers on short fixed-term contracts who are paid by the Department of Education and Skills and who have experienced issues with their tax credits in recent weeks should contact their local revenue office

  • 25 January 2019
  • ASTI news

New Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections

New Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections will begin in February 2019 by the Department’s Inspectorate as indicated in the Government’s Action Plan for Education 2018. 

  • 23 January 2019
  • ASTI news

January ASTIR

January ASTIR is now available online

  • 17 January 2019
  • ASTI news

AVC annual report

A copy of the latest AVC annual report is available for examination by contacting the Honorary Treasurer Ray St John at ASTI Head Office.

  • 11 January 2019
  • ASTI news

ASTI Achievement Awards 2019

The deadline for nominations for the ASTI Achievement Awards is Friday, February 8th 2019.

  • 8 January 2019
  • ASTI news

ASTI Retirement Seminars

We are continuing our information seminars in January and February for ASTI members who are thinking of retiring.

  • 7 January 2019
  • ASTI news

Compulsory Retirement Age increased to 70

The deadline for nominations for the ASTI Achievement Awards is Friday, February 8th 2019.

  • 7 January 2019
  • ASTI news

Important notice regarding Teaching Council conditional registration

In 2019 thousands of teachers will fulfil the conditions attached to their registration and gain full registration with the Council.

  • 21 December 2018
  • ASTI news

